Oculus Prime | Control Weeping Eyes Naturally: Cardboard Tub / 150 grams


Oculus Prime is a unique blend of Irish seaweeds that helps reduce the inflammation in a dog's body that can lead to weeping eyes. With weeping eyes leading to unsightly tear stains it is an issue that many small dog owners would like to control and now they can, with no ill effects to the dog's health; in fact the complete opposite. An all natural feed addition Oculus Prime is simply added to the dog's feed and works systemically. The tear staining still needs to be cleaned from the dog's face but Oculus Prime reduces the weeping eyes that feed the fungus that forms it. Oculus Prime also provides bioavailable vitamins, minerals, dietary fibers and unique bioactive compounds, that all contribute to a healthy and happy dog. Taking anywhere from a couple of days to 6 weeks to work, Oculus Prime also comes with a unique money back guarantee for dogs that have tear stains from other causes: such as morphological issues, high levels of inflammation, blocked tear ducts etc.